

Pictures Courtesy of The African Cultural Heritage Trust (ACHT)/ Zindala Zombili

Innovation: Finding new ways of solving problems

Accountability: Being responsible for the trust vested in us

Measurability: Measuring and constantly evaluating the effectiveness of what we do

Partnership: Constantly building new relationships and strengthening old ones, because without others, we are nothing

Integrity: Doing what we say we will do, on time and without excuses

Responsibility: Taking responsibility for all our actions and deeds (good and bad)

Humility: Admitting when we are wrong, placing interests of others on top

Excellence: Doing the best that we can in what we set out to do

Persistence: Not giving up, knowing that real and sustainable change takes time

Respect: Respecting others, giving them the dignity they deserve

Compassion: Caring for others, especially those in need, and making a difference where we can

Courage: Taking action even when it seems unpopular to do so; standing up for what’s right

Passion: Loving what we do and doing what we love

Enjoyment/Fun: All work with no play makes one dull. We bring our humor into our work and do not leave it at home! smile

These values characterize the organizational behavior of the Ubuntu Institute and the partners we like to work with.